Brussels, Belgium /
Interactive training dedicated to the BBI JU programme for Bio-NCPs
The training will take the form of a half-day session in the BBI office (morning) plus a site visit to the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant ( in Gent (afternoon).
In order to better organise the training and inform you promptly about logistics, please:
- Fill in the registration form at the link:
- Consider that in the same days there is the SEA FOOD EXPO in Bruxelles and the hotels in the city centre are almost full booked. According to the replies collected in the registration form, BioHorizon will try to arrange for you a hotel outside Brussels + bus transport for the 27th and 28th of April.
- BioHorizon will reimburse travel costs to Brussels for Bio-NCPs from MS, AC and ICPC (one travel grant per one country). Rules for participation can be found in the „Guideline for Bio-NCPs“ part 3.3 NCPs GROUPS AND CONDITIONS, see:
- Confirm your interest in the site visit.
Please fill in the registration form by March 14th, so we will have enough time to looking for the best logistic solution for you. A limited number of seats are still available.
For any further information please feel free to directly contact Serena Borgna (