Warsaw, Poland /
International Brokerage Event: Horizon 2020 for the Circular Economy and Transforming Industry
The brokerage event aims to actively promote research partnerships and facilitate consortium building. Among this vivid R&D community new research partnerships and further synergies are expected to emerge. Participants are invited to join the bilateral pre-arranged meetings and present their interests in certain topics, their expertise on specific matters and/or their project ideas to possible research partners.
This networking platform is the ideal way to identify research partners, following a programme of pre-arranged meetings. Innovative companies, universities, research centres and others interested in Horizon 2020 calls will have the opportunity to:
- Present, discuss and develop new future proposals at international level
- Expand the collaboration network to include international partners.
- Get insights from the European Commission and High Level Speakers
- Get support on the spot from H2020 National Contact Points